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A meeting with Azerbaijani community was held in Rome




A meeting with Azerbaijani community was held in Rome

, 2023

A meeting with Azerbaijani community was held in Rome

Rome, Italy hosted a meeting of the Azerbaijani community held within the framework of 100th anniversary of the birth of Heydar Aliyev, founder of modern Azerbaijan.

The meeting started with the National Anthem of Azerbaijan.

Elshad Aliyev, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Work with Diaspora, welcomed meeting participants and spoke about Heydar Aliyev’s unparalleled services in the sphere of diaspora-building, his role at bringing World Azerbaijanis together. Elshad Aliyev has noted that Heydar Aliyev’s political course is now being continued by President Ilham Aliyev efficiently.

Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Italy Rashad Aslanov, speaking at the event, recalled the essential role that Heydar Aliyev played in establishing relations between the two countries. Mr. Ambassador also spoke about important tasks ahead and emphasized the need for consistent activity by the Azerbaijani community.





The meeting continued with the demonstration of a video reflecting the life and activities of the great leader of Azerbaijan.

Later, the participants were informed about the activity of the State Committee, the implemented projects, the current situation of Azerbaijani diaspora in Italy. The participants have been told that the fourth Summer Camp of Diaspora Youth will be held in Nakhchivan within the framework of the “Year of Heydar Aliyev”.

The meeting ended up with exchanging of ideas.




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