Categories: BugünSİYASET

An official joint event of the representatives of Tajikistan and the Netherlands in the Republic of Korea on occasion of the UN Water Conference





An official joint event of the representatives of Tajikistan and the Netherlands in the Republic of Korea on occasion of the UN Water Conference


On March 2, 2023, on occasion of the upcoming UN 2023 Water Conference scheduled to be held in New York on March 22-24, 2023, official joint event by the Embassies of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Kingdom of the Netherlands was organized in Seoul. The event was attended by distinguished leaders and representatives from relevant structures of the Republic of Korea, as well as international institutions specializing in the fields of water and climate.

During the address, the Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Republic of Korea Sharifzoda Yusuf presented information on the United Nations’ endorsement of the Republic of Tajikistan’s initiatives on the resolution “2025 – International Year of Glacier Preservation”, as well as the administrative arrangements for the upcoming UN Water Conference, which will be co-chaired by the Republic of Tajikistan and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

South Korea





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