
Ифтитоҳи коргоҳи дузандагию қолинбофӣ дар шаҳри Истиқлол

  Ифтитоҳи коргоҳи дузандагию қолинбофӣ дар шаҳри Истиқлол https://t.co/cxwu9PA6UB — Хадамоти матбуоти Президенти Тоҷикистон (@presstj) March 30, 2023    …

2 yıl ago

Ба истифода додани хати оби нӯшокӣ барои таъмини 18 ҳазор аҳолии шаҳри Истиқлол

  Ба истифода додани хати оби нӯшокӣ барои таъмини 18 ҳазор аҳолии шаҳри Истиқлол https://t.co/PJ6Ng4LG0K — Хадамоти матбуоти Президенти Тоҷикистон…

2 yıl ago

Ба истифода додани бинои осорхонаи таърихии шаҳри Истиқлол

  Ба истифода додани бинои осорхонаи таърихии шаҳри Истиқлол https://t.co/GqqxzTyuoe — Хадамоти матбуоти Президенти Тоҷикистон (@presstj) March 30, 2023  …

2 yıl ago

Ифтитоҳи хонаҳои истиқоматии хизматии кормандони шуъбаи ВКД дар шаҳри Истиқлол

  Ифтитоҳи хонаҳои истиқоматии хизматии кормандони шуъбаи ВКД дар шаҳри Истиқлол https://t.co/hwPkVZ2V8e — Хадамоти матбуоти Президенти Тоҷикистон (@presstj) March 30,…

2 yıl ago

Ифтитоҳи кӯдакистони «Дӯстӣ» дар шаҳри Истиқлол

  Ифтитоҳи кӯдакистони «Дӯстӣ» дар шаҳри Истиқлол https://t.co/kYyxsTYinb — Хадамоти матбуоти Президенти Тоҷикистон (@presstj) March 30, 2023     Ифтитоҳи…

2 yıl ago

Иштирок дар тантанаҳои идона ба ифтихори ҷашни Наврӯзи байналмилалӣ дар шаҳри Хуҷанд

  Иштирок дар тантанаҳои идона ба ифтихори ҷашни Наврӯзи байналмилалӣ дар шаҳри Хуҷанд https://t.co/KGd3zVLFFP — Хадамоти матбуоти Президенти Тоҷикистон (@presstj)…

2 yıl ago

Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iraq

  Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iraqhttps://t.co/Jrs1LFcNlW pic.twitter.com/FalGpwnkhW —…

2 yıl ago

Celebration of the International Holiday of Navruz in London

    Celebration of the International Holiday of Navruz in Londonhttps://t.co/5Hn01ZbZUf pic.twitter.com/A65rlsx5fH — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) March 27, 2023  …

2 yıl ago

Meeting with the IOM’s Deputy Director General for operations

  Meeting with the IOM’s Deputy Director General for operationshttps://t.co/TJ8UGFEzHm pic.twitter.com/6BPNgh10ZT — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) March 24, 2023    …

2 yıl ago

Meeting with the UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs

  Meeting with the UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairshttps://t.co/N1abLxXaHS pic.twitter.com/2IBK8OikIr — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) March 24, 2023  …

2 yıl ago

Participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Leaders Segment of the UN 2023 Water Conference

    Participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Leaders Segment of the UN 2023 Water Conferencehttps://t.co/0T509keJCO pic.twitter.com/013bq7eDRr…

2 yıl ago

Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan with the EU Special Representative for Central Asia

  Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan with the EU Special Representative for Central Asiahttps://t.co/LRGKRF4dgh pic.twitter.com/jYKJuCR69a —…

2 yıl ago

Participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in a high-level event “Central Asia: commitments to include in the Water Action Agenda”

  Participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in a high-level event “Central Asia: commitments to include in the Water…

2 yıl ago

Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan with the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

  Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan with the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission…

2 yıl ago

Participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the 5th interactive dialogue on the International Water Action Decade

  Participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the 5th interactive dialogue on the International Water Action Decadehttps://t.co/FAMX6ZQ9tw pic.twitter.com/mBnCf5ROER…

2 yıl ago

Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary

  Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of #Hungary…

2 yıl ago

Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan and Paraguay

  Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan and Paraguay https://t.co/Lbxvx8tVLi pic.twitter.com/ufjmvVNIUm — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) March 21,…

2 yıl ago

Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan with the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Netherlands

Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan with the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the…

2 yıl ago