Can we get to know you a little bit, how is your work after the panda in business life?

Interior Architect and Designer Zeynep Uğurlu Çiçen is married and mother of 4 children. I completed my education when I was married and entered the business life when I had only one child. I established an interior architecture and design shop as Zeyn decoration. Afterwards, I both worked and had children, I signed many home, workplace, hotel projects both in Turkey and abroad. Because my husband is a tourism professional, I helped both our hotels and the management. The tourism sector, which has been heavily affected by the pandemic, is now closing the gap.

Are you success-oriented, how do you think the underlying stance was shaped?

To be successful, you have to set a goal. As a person who broke his hold on me, I did not give up on my goals and I succeeded in many things by enjoying success.

The virus wind blowing in the world affected the tourism world quite a lot, but Turkey was not affected by this wind. What do you think as a tourism professional, what do you want to do in this context?

The tourism sector, which was affected by the pandemic in the world, of course also hit Turkey. Thank God it went well for us. Currently, Turkey continues to grow in tourism, not from where it left off, but from where it left off. Our goal is to add new ones to our hotels.

As for interior architecture, what is your favorite formation in your work?

The elements that make our work easier in interior architecture are increasing day by day. The customer comes to us more consciously, creating something in his mind and knowing what he wants. It’s getting easier for us to navigate. While making houses, ready-made fabrics, accessories and various furniture help us greatly.

We finished 2022 in interior architecture, how was the change and what will we see in 2023.

When there were closures with the arrival of the pandemic, everyone sought a house with a garden. For example, the first garden floors were sold in newly built sites. Winter gardens increased. More comfortable and simple furniture was preferred.

What are your expectations from 2023, can you tell us about your plans?

There is a construction boom that will affect not only 2023 but also the following years. Various projects are being carried out rapidly. We have plans for the coming years. Build new hotels, build new residences. We are working on these.

Can we get your suggestions to young architects and tourism professionals in 2023?

My advice to young architects is that they develop themselves faster in the field. My luck is that I gained a lot of experience by making our own places. Tourism is very comprehensive and more institutional. It has many departments. Experience is gained by living. SET GOALS FOR YOURSELF TO SUCCESS AND DON’T GAVE

Abdullah Yiğit

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